YellowHatWeb for hpCommerce Orion

No credit card required.
No contracts.
Cancel anytime
The YellowHatWeb Unlimited, Everything Plan for hpCommerce Orion Integration
Absolutely effortless, automatic eCommerce and Shopping Cart
Plan Questions and Answers
+ How do I accept payments from my customers?
Use the same integrated credit card processor that you are currently using in hpCommerce Orion. You can also process payments via PayPal.
+ Will you help me set up my store?
Yes, unlimited support and training are always included and available via phone, email and chat.
+ Do I need my own domain name to get started?
No, your store can be setup without a domain. But you will need to acquire a domain in order to make your store live for your shoppers.
+ Can I use a subdomain for my store?
Yes, you can use a subdomain with your YellowHatWeb store.
+ Do I need an SSL Certificate?
For security reasons, an SSL certificate is required to process credit card orders. You don't have to purchase your SSL right now, but you will need one before you make your store live for your customers.
+ Do you charge transaction fees?
+ How do I pay?
Via credit or debit card. Your card will be charged monthly or annually depending on the plan you select. You can change credit card information at any time.
+ I'm switching to YellowHatWeb. Can I move the data from my old store?
Yes. The majority of your valuable product data is in hpCommerce Orion already. However, as long as you export data from your current website, in most cases we can help you import image and categorization data from your existing store.
+ Are you PCI Certified?
Yes, all integrated payment processing is PCI compliant.
+ How do annual plans work?
Annual plans offer you a 17% discount by making a single, annual payment. You can switch from a monthly plan to an annual plan by contacting us and making an annual payment.
+ Are there storage fees?
Never, unlimited storage of product, image, video and order data is included in our plans.
+ Are there any contracts to sign?
Never, payments are made month to month or annually. If you choose to cancel, we will stop billing you and your store will become inactive and unavailable on our servers once your current, paid service period has ended.
+ Do you offer refunds?
We do not offer refunds. You may cancel at any time. Your service will continue until the end of the period that you have paid for. If you cancel, you will not be billed for any additional periods past the current billed period.
Need more help? To speak with one of our eCommerce experts, please call 1-765-289-6744.